If your credit card has expired or exceeded its limit and you are unable to pay the fee, please follow the steps below.
A credit card must be set up for each coverage type (Global or Japan) individually if multiple are being used. Please keep this in mind if you have SIM cards or services associated with both Global and Japan coverages.
If your credit card has expired and you were unable to make a payment:
- Click on the Username button on the upper right of the user console, and then click on the Payment settings.
- Click the Update Credit Card button.
- Enter your new credit card information and click Submit. Once the credit card information is updated, the outstanding fees will be withdrawn automatically.
If you are unable to make a payment because your credit card has exceeded its limit:
- Click on the Payment settings link from the Username button on the upper right of the user console.
- Click the Payment Error Details button displayed on the screen.
Please review the contents of the dialog box that appears and click the Enable button once your card is ready for use. The unpaid fees will then be withdrawn automatically.