What is coverage type?
Soracom Air service for global coverage has various different plans depending on your geographic location. The full list of plans and coverage can be found here. Information about coverage in Japan can be found here.
Carriers that are utilized depend on the coverage and region.
All coverage types are available from one operator by switching coverage types as described below.
How to switch coverage types
When you log in to the user console, there is a combo box for switching the coverage type on the upper right, so operate here to switch. Since there are differences in terms of agreement for each coverage type, it is necessary to agree to terms and conditions before starting use.
Differences by coverage type
- The services we provide differ for each coverage type.
- We will charge a usage fee for each coverage type.
- Payment information such as credit cards must be registered for each coverage type.
- Services provided under coverage type "Japan" are billed in Yen and services provided under "Global" are billed in US dollars.