If your device with a Soracom SIM disconnects from the cellular network but does not reconnect automatically, the modem is responsible for reconnecting. If you find that your modem is disconnected and will not reconnect, please see our Device Troubleshooting guide for some basic steps to allow your device to reconnect.
Some common causes of a modem disconnecting include:
- Problems between the base station and the Soracom Platform
- Issues between the LTE/3G modem and the base station
- LTE/3G Modem issues
- SIM issues
- Other device-related issues
Problems between the base station and Soracom Platform
If there is a widespread problem that persists for an extended period of time between a network provider and Soracom, Soracom will post a message on the Status Dashboard. Temporary issues may cause the session to become disconnected, but they can typically be resolved by reconnecting the device.
Issues between the LTE/3G modem and the base station
Maintenance or disruptions at the base station can prevent your device from connecting to another station if the signal strength at its current location is poor. Soracom’s system is designed to terminate sessions (time out) after a period of inactivity. For more details, please see our FAQ about Session timeouts.
LTE/3G modem, SIM, and other device-related issues
Sessions are not created or deleted from the Soracom side. In most cases, sessions are disconnected from the device side. For example, even when the signal strength is weak, the session status from the Soracom platform remains "Created" as long as there is no disconnection from the device. For this reason, please consider isolating the problem by rebooting the device or inserting another SIM.
Troubleshooting Steps
Check session history
You can determine when the session was disconnected. If there are frequent "Modified" entries before the session disconnection, it may indicate that the device is trying to connect to a base station with slightly stronger signal strength, rapidly switching between base stations, but ultimately only connecting to one with a weak signal.
In such cases, a prolonged period of inactivity could lead to a disconnection from the Soracom side. Frequent "Modified" entries may also occur if the SIM is moved over a long distance and the connected base station changes.
If you see repeated "Created" and "Deleted" entries, it suggests that the device connects but immediately disconnects. In this case, it is recommended to investigate the device.
Restart the Device
- While it requires on-site action, please consider restarting the device.
Move the Device
- If the issue is caused by weak signal strength, moving the device to a location with better signal reception may resolve the issue.
Insert a Different SIM
- If the problem is related to the SIM, replacing it may solve the issue. If this doesn't resolve the problem, there may be an issue with the module or device, so consider replacing the device.
If you are still having problems, please contact Support.